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- 12/2/1761 (Création/Production)
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Includes sample of red dyed cotton\nTranscription\nAs the inclosed colour of Crimson upon Cotton is a new discovery & dyd by no other person at present but myself I make bold to desire to know if it merits any Reward or encouragement from your Society. Whole pieces of ye same colour may be seen at most of ye Manchester Warehouses in Londn. Where they sell Cotton Velvets; particularly at Mr Robt Laithwaite in Milkstreet or at Mr John Tridenberg in Ironmonger lane\nIt is not dyd with Safflower, but is dyd at less expence & a better & fuller Colour than can be made with Safflower. Repeatd washings with soap or any Alkalys distroys it, as it does Safflower Colours but it stands Acids as Lemon juice, &c very well\nPlease to direct for me Velvet Maker in Manchester - Your opinion of it will much oblige\nSr Your most hum Servt\nJohn Wilson\nPS. Inclosed also is a little linen yarn ye same Colour’\n
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Creator Victoria 19/08/1998