Item 48 - Letter from Lord Folkestone on destroying rats

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Letter from Lord Folkestone on destroying rats


  • 30/8/1755 (Produção)

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Longford 30th August 1755\n\nI return you the Franks for Mr Baker: Mr Powell seems to be a very publick spirited man, and I think his scheme, if properly conducted, might prove a very beneficial one to this Nation. \n\nI thank you, for the receipt to destroy Norway Rats, but I may venture to pronounce that it does not answer the effect: for the stuff has layed for severall days in their runs, and they have never touched it, nay there is reason to think they have jumped over the Balls to avoid them, for the marks of their feet have appeared within two inches of the Balls in narrow places, so there is no occasion for the Oyl of Rhodium to bring the rats near the Poison; you will let your Correspondent know this, and that He is quite mistaken in this affair, but my Apothecary at my desire, made it up with his own hands; perhaps you may say, there are not Norway Rats enough here, but I assure you We have the true sort of the colour of wild rabbits, with several red hairs on the back sand white upon their Bellys; as to the Quantity We have in about two months destroyed an hundred and twelve in steel spring traps, baited with raw meat; and We can learn of no other method to destroy them, without shooting them , which we do sometimes, though we have killed so many, the number that remains must be very large, for at present we kill about three a day, and we continually hear them behind the Wainscot, and over our heads at the top of the House, The Cats kill a few of the rats, but they are rather afraid of the old ones. \n\nI am, \n\nYour Humble Servant, \n\nFolkestone

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      Guard Book Vol. 1 folio 48

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