Item 22 - Letter from Lord Folkestone on premium for buff leather

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Letter from Lord Folkestone on premium for buff leather


  • 2/6/1755 (Produção)

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Longford 2nd June 1755\nThere is no occasion for an Apology in writing to me, for I shall always be glad both to see you and hear from you; especially concerning anything that regards our Society, to which I am so hearty a Well Wisher, as every now and then to wish, I was near enough to be present at your meetings.\n\nI think the gentlemen of the Society will do right, to order, as you mention,the Hydes in to the Office, and to examine them out of hand for the reasons you give; and likewise to have a proper article in the Papers, in case these Hydes should turn out as good, as what come from Holland and which is they really do in all respects, it would be a pity, but the Duke should know it; Mr Whitworth, if you remember, in the Winter talked of a Premium for fortification Drawings, which he say'd he would she to Coll (I forget his name) and get him to let the Duke see it, in order to the proper wording of it: if now this leather should turn out right, if you would mention it to Mr Whitworth in a letter, I dare say he would get to the Coll. to tell the Duke of it.\n\nAs to taking of the Inland Duty, I should think it might be compassed, if everything else answers.\n\nI beg my compliments to the Gentlemen of the Society that attend the Meetings and, am, \n\nYour very Humble servant,\n\nFolkestone

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      Guard Book Vol. 1 folio 22

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