Unidad documental simple 198 - Three Essays in Artificial Philosophy, I. An Essay for the farther application and advancement of Chemistry in England. II. An Essay for the improvement of Distillation in the hands of the malt-stiller. . . III. An Essay for concentrating Wines and other fermented liquors, etc. \nChymical lectures: in which almost all the operations of chymistry are reduced to their true principles, and the laws of nature ... \nSome observations on the translation and abridgment of Dr Boerhaave's Chymistry (Three books bound together)

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Three Essays in Artificial Philosophy, I. An Essay for the farther application and advancement of Chemistry in England. II. An Essay for the improvement of Distillation in the hands of the malt-stiller. . . III. An Essay for concentrating Wines and other fermented liquors, etc. \nChymical lectures: in which almost all the operations of chymistry are reduced to their true principles, and the laws of nature ... \nSome observations on the translation and abridgment of Dr Boerhaave's Chymistry (Three books bound together)


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      Publisher:, , 1731



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      Creator DenvirC 31/05/2002

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