Unidad documental simple 18 - Christmas card of 'The Seed Drill Test, 10th April, 1766' by Anna Zinkeisen

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Christmas card of 'The Seed Drill Test, 10th April, 1766' by Anna Zinkeisen


  • 1965 (Creación)

Nivel de descripción

Unidad documental simple

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Institución archivística

Historia archivística

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Alcance y contenido

24 members of the Society's Committee of Agriculture gathered in what was then the open countryside of Brompton, between Westminster and Kensington, to witness the performance of four newly invented seed drill. The Chairman of the Committee can be seen standing in the foreground with Joshua Steele, the celebrated writer on prosody, and Major General George Eliott. To the General's left is the Reverend Humphrey Gainsborough (a brother of Thomas), who looks toward the middle distance at the seed drill he has invented and for which the Society gave a prize of £30. The other successful machine, invented by James Willey appears prominently in the centre of the picture. It won its inventor a prize of £20. Willey stands talking to Joshua Steele and the General and pointing towards his drill. In the background can be seen the two unsuccessful drills, one of which was to be found to be 'capitally defiecient in some part' and the other to be too close to Jethro Tull's famous prototype. 27,000 copies sold.

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      Creator Victoria 16/12/1998

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