Item 05 - Christmas card of painting by James Barry 'The Distribution of Premiums in the Society of Arts'

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Christmas card of painting by James Barry 'The Distribution of Premiums in the Society of Arts'


  • 1952 (Produção)

Nível de descrição


Dimensão e suporte


Zona do contexto

Entidade detentora

História do arquivo

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Âmbito e conteúdo

Fifth painting in a series entitled 'The Progress of Human Knowledge and Culture', displayed in the Great Room. Key to some of the portraits on reverse of card. It depicts officers and members of the Society distributing its awards to encourage arts, manufactures and commerce in the presence of the then Prince of Wales, later George IV. Beyond is an idealised representation of the river front of Somerset House and the dome of St Paul's. In the centre, a young female prizewinner is being presented to the Duchess of Northumberland by Mrs Montagu, and the Duchess of Rutland and Devonshire are grouped behind them, a reminder that membership of the Society was from its earliest years open to women. The founder of the Society is seated bottom left.

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Open Until

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      Publisher:, ,



      Conservation priority


      Related record


      Creator Victoria 16/12/1998

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