Item 436 - Letter from John Hyacinth de Magellan about a new member of the Society

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Letter from John Hyacinth de Magellan about a new member of the Society


  • 22/2/1775 (Produção)

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à Paris le 22 Fevrier 1775\n\nDear friend\n\nHere I send you the proposal of a new member for our Society, which I have signed with Mr. Messier & Mr Gaucher: he is proposed for a domestic or paying member: and his entry-money will be paid after his election or when I arrive there. I know the idea of these gentlemen is only for the honour of having their names in our List: but think that the entry viz the two guineas pay enough for the printing of their names. Besides he proposes to send some prints of his engravings. Those he has shown to me are not despicable. Mr Gaucher intends to send more of his own to ye. Society, and perhaps his own bust, which he has by himself very well done. \n\nIf you think it necessary, make another proposal and some of our friends will no doubt sign it on your application. When Mr Godefroy is elected by ye. Society, please to direct your Letter of notice by ye. post as soon as possible: for he wants to add the qualification = de la Societé des Arts d'Angleterre = to a large print now finishing. His direction is = to Mr Godefroy, Graveur, rue des Francs bourgeois, porte St Michel, à Paris = receive the thanks of Mr Gaucher & mine for your souvenir and present of ye small print, untill he writes himself, which he said, will do on my going back to London. I hope it will be before the end of ye. next month. My complim'ts. to Mrs. More and friends. Am sorry for ye sickness of Mr Arbuthnot. \n\nIf anything [?] be here of your service, don't deny me the pleasure of shewing how much Sincerily\n\nI am\nDear Sir\nYour most obed't. hl'e. Serv't.\nMagellan\n\nPray mend my name in the new list of Members. Since no body spels it right: let it be so as in teh list of ye. Royal Society. viz. =Magellan, John Hyacinth de ... F.R.S. &c\n\nTo \nMr More, Secretary\nto ye. Society for ye. Encouragement of Arts &c.\nin the Adelphi London

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