Unidad documental simple 864 - Letter from John Fraser about 'an extraordinary grass' which Thomas Walter of South Carolina (the author of flora) has discovered

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Letter from John Fraser about 'an extraordinary grass' which Thomas Walter of South Carolina (the author of flora) has discovered


  • 17/11/1788 (Creación)

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Transcription:\n‘Paradise Row, Chelsea, 17 Nov 1788\n\nI should think myself guilty of a very great neglect was I to omit sending you an Account of an Extraordinary Grass, which I have not the least doubt will prove of the greatest Utility to Agriculture of anything ever yet discovered.\nI have just received a Letter from Mr Walter of South Carolina (the Author of the Floral) who gives me a very flattering Account of it, and the Seed I expt to receive about Christmas next. \nI, have the honor to be Gentlemen Your most Obedient and very humble Servt, John \nFraser’\nMinutes of Committee of Agriculture, 17 May 1790\n\n‘John Parish in the chair. Present: Mr Dunn, Mr Lumley, Mr Baynes, Mr Pourcin, Mr Davenport, Mr Leatham\n\nTook into Consideration the letter from Mr Fraser on Grass brought from the Bahama Islands and called Tatnals Grass, which Mr Fraser thinks will grow on chalky soils and is said to be good for Cattle and Sheep, and Poultry. Examined a root of Grass sent by Mr Fraser.\nResolved to recommend to the Society to return Thanks to Mr Fraser for this communication.\nResolved that the Roots of Grass be delivered to Mr Davenport and that he be requested to favour the Committee with his opinion of it at a due season’\n

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