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RSA/AD/MA/100/12/01 · Subsérie · 1754-1924
Parte de Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA)

These are largely records of decisions taken on general policy and administration. They also contain confirmations or rejections of reports from committees. The Society minutes finish in 1925, and thereafter the Council dealt with the adminstrative matters of the Society. The last set of Society minutes for 1924-1925 can be found in the volume RSA/AD/MA/100/12/05/01. After this, the volume recorded AGM minutes.

Printed lists and subscription books
RSA/AD/MA/900/16 · Subsérie · 1754-1998
Parte de Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA)

Information on Fellows has been gathered since foundation of the Society, although this has always been for administrative/financial reasons. Fellowship lists exist in various formats:\nSubscription lists (manuscript) from 1754 to 1986: early volumes are bound, late 20th century ledgers are loose leaf. There are gaps.\nPrinted lists of Members/Fellows also appear bound into the volumes of Transactions, later the Journal, for most years. In the 1970s and 80s, separate printed lists were published.\nInformation contained in lists includes name and ususally address, date of election and year of resignation ('declined') or death, if specifically noted. Early lists include details of proposer and some also include Member's area of interest or profession.\nMembership lists do not include any further biographical information.