Cartoon by Thomas Derrick of Sir Gilbert de Paradoc
5703 Archival description results for Photographs
Cartoon by Bruce Bairnsfather of soldier tangled in barbed wire being interviewed by radio broadcaster, caption 'Now just some nice cheery little Christmas message for the folks at home'
Cartoon by Thomas Rowlandson (1756-1827), of horses, caption 'Duke of Grafton viewing his stud'
Cartoon by Charles Grave (1886-1944) of men in life jackets on boat, caption 'Apprentice (at boat master) 'Well, all I can say is that if anything does happen to this ship whoever picks us up will get the laugh of his life''
Cartoon by Phil May (1864-1903) of two men, caption 'Amentities of the Profession'
Cartoon by John Hassall of boy standing on stool holding a saucepan, caption 'Social announcement, there was a small musical party at Mrs de Laundry's'
Cartoon by George Du Maurier, 1876 of people in rain rushing to get on omnibus, caption 'Chivalry in the London streets, to be observed on a rainy day at any omnibus station'
Cartoon by Sir Francis Carruthers Gould of man on a horse, caption 'Sir Winston Churchill withdraweth himself from the blues'
Cartoon by Charles Keene (1823-1891) of people on ship, caption 'Ploughing the Main, Suffolk farmer (who suffers a good deal)'Much he knows about his business, this captain, he don't fare to attempt to keep in the furrows''
Cartoon by Fougasse of soldiers queuing to leave the army and queuing at a bus stop, caption 'Isn't it wonderful to be getting out to the services and back again to freedom!'
Image used to illustrate Programme report on the RDI annual address
1851 Great Exhibition
1851 Great Exhibition
Members\nKing of the Belgian (1835-1909)
1851 Great Exhibition
Chairman of Council 1850 and 1852; Published in Vanity Fair, drawn by James Tissot
1851 Great Exhibition