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              5703 Archivistische beschrijving results for Photographs

              On the winding up of the British Export Trade Research Organisation, the surplus of funds was given to the Society as a trust (dated 14 December 1964) 'for the provision of lectures and other educational activities at Universities for the benefit of students concerning themselves with exports'. An advisory committee was set up to administer the Trust. This sat two or three times a year from 1964 to 1983.\nSir Peter Runge, Chairman of the British national Export Council is on the right.

              On the winding up of the British Export Trade Research Organisation, the surplus of funds was given to the Society as a trust (dated 14 December 1964) 'for the provision of lectures and other educational activities at Universities for the benefit of students concerning themselves with exports'. An advisory committee was set up to administer the Trust. This sat two or three times a year from 1964 to 1983

              On the winding up of the British Export Trade Research Organisation, the surplus of funds was given to the Society as a trust (dated 14 December 1964) 'for the provision of lectures and other educational activities at Universities for the benefit of students concerning themselves with exports'. An advisory committee was set up to administer the Trust. This sat two or three times a year from 1964 to 1983.\nSir Peter Runge, Chairman of the British Natioanl Export Council on Right

              RSA/PR/GE/113/19/04 · Stuk · 4/11/1964
              Part of Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA)

              Award instituted as a result of a recommendation by the Commonwealth Section Committee, consists of a silver medal and diploma. The object of the award was to encourage the making of documentary films designed for specific public purposes in their country of origin. The award was open film production units operating in any country of the Commonwealth for the purpose of making documentary films. Films had to be submitted through the Government of the country and no country could enter more than two films.\nIn devising the award the RSA was greatly assisted by advice and help from the Colonial Office, the Commonwealth Relations Office, the Central Office of Information and the British Film Institute.