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RSA · Fondo · 1754-

The RSA archive preserves the historical records relating to the RSA's activities and administration and makes them available for research.\nThe Society was established in 1754 and RSA archival records date from then, but there is some printed material that dates back to 1634.

Governance Committees
RSA/AD/MA/100 · SubSubSub Fonds · 1754
Parte de Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA)

From 1754, all administrative matters were discussed at general meetings of the Society. The Council was established in 1845 although Society minutes continue until 1924.\nSeries includes bound volumes of minutes of the Society (1754-1924) and of Council (1846 to date), general administrative correspondence to the Society and printed copies of charters and amendments, bye-laws and other rules and regulations