David Mach and Charlie Hooker collaborated with architect Robert Chitham of Chapman Taylor on a programme of art inclusion within the Vicar Lane Town Centre project in Chesterfield. tThe project aimed to revitalise the town centre, providing almost 200,000 square feet of new retail space. The artists worked specifically on the new building designated as the Tourist Information Centre, \nas well as contributig to the wider scheme. The project was completed in 1999. Client: Centros Miller Ltd with Chesterfield Borough Council. Award value £7,500.
Includes observations on progress of Exhibition and financial and other administrative matters
Contains signatures of visitors to Victoria House
The Society's Council was appointed Commissioners to the British Section of this exhibition which was arranged originally to commemorate Columbus's sailing to the new world. \n\nRecords include general correspondence, letter books (copies of letters sent), various ledgers and account books, minutes of the organising committees, printed material and catalogues and photographs of the Exhibition grounds and displays
Image used to illustrate lecture text for 'A liberating view' by Stella Robinson, 12/11/1997\nPhotograph by Alex Fraser
The Focus on Food campaign began in the 1990s and aimed to raise the profile and importance of practical food education and help secure, sustain and strengthen the position and status of food in the National Curriculum
Background to the RSA's history
Won the Drapers' Company Travel Award of £250 under the 'Supernatural' brief in the 'Fashion Fabrics' section. Travelled to Iona, Isle of Mull, Oban and Edinburgh for six days. Includes note to the RSA.