Premium Winners
Robert Adam, the architect of the RSA's House, which the Society has occupied since its completion in 1774. By James Tassie, 1792
Premium Winners
Image acquired but not used to illustrate lecture text for 'Straight lines and great circles: reweaving the local' by Susan Clifford, held at the RSA, 4/3/1998
Image acquired but not used to illustrate lecture text for 'Straight lines and great circles: reweaving the local' by Susan Clifford, held at the RSA, 4/3/1998
Image acquired but not used to illustrate lecture text for 'Representation in building' by Steven Groak, held at the RSA, 18/2/1998. Photograph supplied by Steven Groak and Ove Arup and Partners
Third painting in the series entitled 'The Progress of Human Knowledge and Culture' by James Barry, 1777-1783
Sixth painting in the series entitled 'The Progress of Human Knowledge and Culture' by James Barry, 1777-1783.
Sixth painting in the series entitled 'The Progress of Human Knowledge and Culture' by James Barry, 1777-1783.
Sixth painting in the series entitled 'The Progress of Human Knowledge and Culture' by James Barry, 1777-1783.
Sixth painting in the series entitled 'The Progress of Human Knowledge and Culture' by James Barry, 1777-1783.