Correspondence suggesting names of nominees for Albert Medal. The Society sought suggestions from abroad via various embassies. Replies and translations were sent via the Foreign Office. Also includes replies from other organisations and societies. Includes printed copies of correspondence with Henry Wilde
Correspondence suggesting names of nominees for Albert Medal. The Society sought suggestions from abroad via various embassies. Replies and translations of replies were sent via the Foreign Office. Also includes replies from other organisations and societies.
Correspondence from individuals, clergy and institutions about proposals in response to Society's circular, including letter from the Duke of Wellington and the Prime Minister, Lord Palmerston. Also minutes of committee and rough accounts
Contains newspapers cuttings, programme of proceedings, catalogue of items on display, photographs, complete list of patents and lecture texts.
Meenor Thakor, Kinsi Abdulleh and Lorraine Leeson worked with architect Anne Thorne on the regeneration of the historic gatewey of Aldgate in London. The artists addressed the needs of pedestrians on this major traffic intersection, reducing the number of exits and employing a creative visual strategy to link the remaining subways above and below ground. The project was completed in 1998. Client: Cityside Regeneration Ltd. Award value £5,000.
Won a Travel Award under the the 'Animation' brief in the 'Design for a Sustainable World' sector. Travelled in Europe.
Contains an entry form and a music score 'Missa Brevis'.
Won a Travel Award worth £575 under the the 'Weave' brief in the 'Furnishing Textiles' sector. Travelled in Europe. Photocopy of original report.
On a team with Colin Davies. Won The Rolls Royce Plc Travel Award worth £1000 in the 'Engineering' section. Travelled to America for two weeks. Includes a letter to the RSA.
Won The Eddie Squires Award worth £500 under the 'Patterns from Other Cultures' brief in the 'Furnishing Fabrics' section. Travelled to Ghana.
Won a British Airways Flight Award under the 'Getting the Message' brief in the 'Design Management' section. Travelled to Sydney for two weeks.
Received the Albert Medal 'for his services to industrial design'
Received the Benjamin Franklin Medal 'for his contribution to industrial progress in the motor car industry'
Won a Travel Award worth £750 and also the Worshipful Company of Weavers Award under the the 'Inspirational Fabrics' brief in the 'Fashion Fabrics' section. Travelled to Italy in August 1991. Photocopy of original report.
Won the Dorma Attachment Award worth £1250 in the 'Home Furnishing' section.Travelled to Thailand. Photocopy of original report.
Won The John Lewis Attachment Award of £5200 plus the Australian Wool Innovation Travel Award of £3000 in the 'Furnishing Textiles' section. Worked with John Lewis for six months.Includes report, a letter to the RSA and images of his work.
Won The Seekers Fabrics Limited Attachment Award under the the 'weave' brief in the 'Furnishing Textiles' sector. Spent ten weeks working with Stoddard Carpets Ltd. Travelled around Europe. Photocopy of original report.