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The Science and Industry Committee originally arose out of a recommendation made by the Economics Section of the British Association for the Advancement of Science at the annual meeting in Belfast 1952. The committee was reconstituted in April 1954 under the joint sponsorship of the RSA, the British Association for the Advancement of Science and the Nuffield Foundation. The Committee's work was financed by grants from the Board of Trade and from the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, under the Conditional Aid scheme for the use of counterpart funds derived from United States economic aid.

The scheme began in 1924 as the Competition of Industrial Design; this later became the Industrial Art Bursaries Competition (1946), the Design Bursaries Competition (1977), the Student Design Awards (1989/90), Design Directions (2003) and back to the Student Design AwardS in (2010). This is a project based award scheme for students of design which is judged by leaders in design and business. Its aims to bring promising students to the attention of the industry, to help students near the end of their education to sharpen their ability to contribute within a commercial setting, to influence design education by directing the attention of students to areas not necessarily covered in their course, and to give winning students the opportunity of industrial work experience or travel to further their design careers.\n\nIn addition to the travel and attachment awards given under each separate section of the competition, there were a number of special awards given to recognise winning students either for a particular feature of their winning entry, or some other criteria allied to the special award. These awards ran at different stages of the competition and each award ran for a different length of time. The special awards offered in a particular year were usually recorded in the project book and review/ report for that year. The winners of these awards were normally announced at a later date than the main competition results and therefore winners were only occasionally mentioned in the annual review/ report books. Where it is known that an additional award was won by a student, this is recorded on the individual's record. \n\nThese prizes included (this list is not complete):\n' Associateship of the RSA (winners of travel or attachment awards were also entitled to a year's free Fellowhsip of the RSA if they were over 25, and a year's free Associateship if they were under 25)\n' The Jacobs Memorial Award Certificate (for the student who submitted the best study tour report both in terms of content and presentation) \n' Alyson Leslie Award (this was first offered in 1992/93 and was awarded to the writer of the report which, in the view of Alyson Leslie, communicated to the reader most effectively how they used the award, what benefits they derived from it and how it would influence their future career)\n' Sir Frank Warner Memorial Medal (this medal commemorated the initiation of the original Competition of Industrial Design by Frank Warner. It was awarded for the best individual textile design. This medal was linked to the Sir Ernest Goodale Memorial Award) \n' Sir Ernest Goodale Memorial Award (this award was established by The Worshipful Company of Weavers in memory of Sir Ernest Goodale who was chairman of the RSA Design Committee. The award was given to the winner of the Sir Frank Memorial Medal to enable them to travel further afield)\n\n' The Whittington Award (this award was sponsored by the Mercers' Company and given to the entry that best demonstrated an understanding and appropriateness in their design on the theme, 'Design for Export')\n' The Master's Medal (this medal was presented by the Master of the RDI Faculty to the student who, in the opinion of the Master, solved the problem set out in any brief in the most practical, elegant and commercially viable manner)\n' The Chartered Society of Designers Student Medal (beginning in 1988/89, a silver medal was awarded to an outstanding student in each of the Chartered Society's design disciplines)\n' Wally Olins Opportunity Award (started in 2001/02 this award was for the student who most eloquently made a case for the use of the money to add value to the design business as a whole) \n' British Airways Flight Awards (a certain number of point to point flights within Europe were given to students who won travel awards)\n' The BIB Design Consultants Attachment and European Travel Award (the winner of this award was selected from short-listed students entering any of the industrial/ product design sections)\n' The BIB Travel Award to the United States (started in 1988/89, the winner of this award was selected from short-listed students entering any of the industrial/ product design sections who would most benefit from visiting the USA)\n' Deryck Healey International Colour Bursary Award (this was awarded to the student who demonstrated the impact of colour in a way which was exceptionally appropriate to consumer needs)\n' Formica Award (Formica Limited offered money for a well-planned study tour for the candidate who made the most appropriate and imaginative use of Formica Products in their solution to a project within the Student Design Awards)\n' The Kodak Photographic Award (this was given to students in specified sections of the competition who answered the brief in predominantly photographic terms.\n\n\nRecords include administrative files and correspondence, minutes of various committees, printed material including annual reports, publicity material and photographs of a small selection of winning designs.

The Countryside in 1970

First conference held at Fishmongers' Hall 4-5 November 1963, RSA participated in this along with The Nature Conservancy and co-organised the second and third conferences. Second conference, 10-12 November 1965 was held at the RSA for the first two days and at the Fishmongers' Hall for the third.\nThe last conference in the series was held at the Guildhall, London, 26-28 October 1970\nSource: The RSA and the environment, edited by Timothy Cantell, 1993\n\nThe RSA took responibility for all administrative matters about the Conference in 1964. The Nature Conservancy retained responsibility for arrangement and editing of the relevant papers and for drawing up the programme. In 1968 the Standing Committee for the 'Countryside in 1970' considered a paper about a permanent scheme of awards for projects on the ground which succeed in improving the countryside or extending nature reserves. It was agreed that it would be a good means of promoting active care for the countryside and involvement of the whole community. The committee thought it advisable that the first awards should be made in 1970. Recognising that the '1970' organisation was unsuited to undertake such a scheme they decided that a sub-committee should consider ways and means of organising and financing a Scheme and enter into negociations with potential sponsors. \n\nRecords include administrative correspondence, minutes of meetings, reports, files and papers, publicity and printed matter and photographs

Thomas Cubitt Trust

The Thomas Cubitt Trust worked with the Society for a short period to develop a series of annual lectures on architecture and building. These lectures were published in the Journal. Thomas Cubitt had been a member of the Society. He, along with Henry Cole, Francis Fuller and Scott Russell attended the historic meeting with Prince Albert at Buckingham Palace on 30 June 1848 at which the Great Exhibition was born. The RSA-Cubitt Trust Panel was a sub-committee of the Committee for the Environment. It met three or four times a year and convened one conference or seminar annually as well as the Cubitt Lecture.

Tomorrow's Company

A business-led enquiry into the role of business in a changing world. During 1992 the RSA organised eight dinners at which business leaders were challenged to think afresh about business, its purpose, its role in society and the measures of success.The result was the three year RSA inquiry Tomorrow's Company: the role of business in a changing world. By the beginning of 1993, 25 companies had committed the time and energy of their senior executives to the inquiry, led by Sir Anthony Cleaver, Chairman, IBM UK Ltd.\nRecords comprise published material including reports

Many bequests have been made to the Society and Trusts instituted to promote the Society's work in specific areas. The Society became a registered charity in 1962 and its fundraising activities were formalised with the establishment of a development department in the 1990s.\nRecords include administrative correspondence and files, printed matter and publicity material and images

In the immediate post war period the Society organised a number of small exhibitions at the House. The principal exhibition was the 'Exhibition of Exhibitions', the Society's contribution to the commemoration of the 1851 Great Exhibition. Opened on 1st May 1951 by HRH The Princess Elizabeth, President of the Society. it was associated with the Festival of Britain. \nIncludes files and papers on arrangements for the exhibitions, publicity material and catalogues as well as photographs of exhibits and of the opening ceremonies

The War Memorials Advisory Council was established under the auspices of the Society in September 1944 after it had organised a conference on 27 April 1944 on the subject of war memorials. (Jnl, vol. 42, pp322-340)\n\nSpeakers included Sir Fabian Ware, the Dean of Westminster, Sir Noel Curtis Bennet, Admiral of the Fleet the Rt. Hon. Lord Chatfield and others. The major concern was that the memorials of the Second World War should show an improvement on those of the First. Lord Chatfield was nominated as President of the Advisory Council and Mr A.R.N. Roberts the Honorary Secretary; they remained in office for the duration. \n\nAs many as fifty leading societies connected with the arts and social welfare, together with a similar number of distinguished individuals from all parties and walks of life (the arts, industry, education, the church, letters) placed their resources and experience at the disposal of the Advisory Council. \n\nThe function of the Advisory Council was to act as a clearing house of general information for the guidance of local groups; the Council itself was not able to undertake consultative work. The Advisory Council also hoped to act as consultants to the Service departments and Government when service memorials and a national memorial came under discussion. \n\nThe Council was disbanded in 1948 due to a lack of public interest and of funds. As recognition for the service performed the Royal Society of Arts awarded Lord Chatfield the silver gilt medal and Mr A.R.N. Roberts the silver medal.\n\nRecords include correspondence and files